Our instruments

The highest quality of sound and perfect functionality – the key to this is in reducing the instrument to the essentials:
Our instruments are exclusively made from components that serve to produce sound.
Pelts made from goatskin, hand-crafted copper kettles and brass or aluminium timpani bases to connect the instruments and the stage produce the typical Viennese timpani sound which Gustav Mahler and Richard Strauss themselves have highly appreciated.
The technically simple tuning mechanism guarantees that the instrument can be played nearly without maintenance.
The handsigned nameplate makes every one of our instruments unique.
To view the techinical data of our "Model Schnellar" and "Model Mahler" please click
> here <
All components are handmade.
Please enjoy some of the impressions from the manufacturing process!
Transport Cases
To be able to safely transport your timpanis, we happily deliver custom made flight cases, which will meet all customer requirements.
We shall take care of all repair and maintenance work after arranging a appointment.
The following video shows how to change Timpani skins:
(Please note: Timpani should be stored and serviced at humidity below 50%. Without guarantee,
no liability for any kind of damage)